Saturday, June 20, 2009

30 DAYS!!

So as of today I have 30 days (and a few hours) until I leave for Benin.

I thought you might all like an update...

First, the last day of school was yesterday. I met this particular milestone with both excitement and sadness. While I have been subbing in Seattle Public Schools since October, I have been at mostly Thurgood Marshall Elementary since the beginning of the year, working in two different rooms of Autistic boys. Over the past few months I have grown really attached to both the staff and the students and I will really miss it; however, I can hardly wait for my Peace Corps assignment to begin.

Excitingly, I got my staging information on Wednesday! Unfortunately, because I was still working and the PC travel agency is on the East Coast, I haven't made my exact travel arrangements yet, but I will on Monday! When I think of this I begin to think that this is really going to happen. Yay!

Depressingly, I think I might get delayed. I recently got a physical done to be on the safe side before I leave and the Doc discovered that I have a Hypotyroid (sp?) which should really not be a big deal (the pharmacist told me that the side effect for an overdose of the medication is "jitteryness"- yep, it's that serious...) but because I'm leaving so soon and the PC likes you to be on any new medication for 3 months before you go, it's a problem. Hopefully it will all work out, but in the meantime my palms have broken out in hives from the combined stress of this and some family stuff as well. I WANT TO GO TO BENIN!!!! NOW!!!

In the meantime I am going to try and see everyone before I (fingers-crossed) leave. I got to Spokane for my friend Anna's wedding (which was a blast) but I would like to get over for a week or so and see everyone now that I am on vacation, but it will really have to wait until I my Seattle apartment is pretty much packed up to go. So if anyone reading it is driving the ol' 90 cross-state let me know. I'm also moving to Port Townsend at the beginning of July, so come and visit me!

Tata for now!


Jennifer Garcia said...

Hey! I am also a future TEFL Volunteer leaving for Benin this July! I was just browsing the Peace Corps Benin blogs and I came across yours so I thought I'd say hi. See you in Philadelphia next month!

Sarah L Pedersen said...

Well, just in case this doesn't get old quick: I am also a TEFL volunteer leaving July 21st. I'll look forward to meeting both of you!

- Sarah Pedersen